Lots and lots of reviews being written about the Twilight movie! I of course have mine, and what I say is obviously right! Overall, I thought the movie was good. I felt like if you haven't read the book, don't go see this movie. This movie would probably appear to be cheesy and would have you feeling there was lack of information to complete the story if having never read the book. There was little time to get to know characters in the movie, so a knowledge before hand is very helpful. This movie could have easily been 5 hours long and of course none of us would have complained, we sat for an hour and a half just waiting for the movie to start. Overall, I loved the actors chosen for all the characters. Jasper was a weird pick, and Jacob wasn't the best actor. I'm sure he'll redeem himself in the next one though. A few of my favorites had to be Carlise, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, and Bella's parents. They all seemed to follow the characters in the book. It was fun aguring with a friend about how the movie set Bella's room up all wrong from the pictures in our head. I missed seeing Stephanie Meyers in a diner scene. I guess I'll have to go watch it again! I honestly think the sequels will only get better too! So quit wasting your time time on the computer go watch Twilight 50 times so they can make lots of money to put into the sequels.

Thanks to Renee and of course 25% thanks goes to Amy for making sure we had our tickets purchased for the midnight showing of Twilight! It was exciting to know we were some of the first to take a peek in on Edward and Bella's drama on the big screen! We were like a bunch of giddy teenagers. There were a total of 10 in our group, and the theater was sold out! Girls ranging from 12-75 were there and a handful of guys, that let's hope, were just dragged there by girlfiends. One old lady was proud to annouce she was for Team Jacob!
Thanks for the credit, even though I really deserve 100%, if Amy needs a boost of confidence she can have her 25.
I deserve atleast 30%. You just haven't figured it out yet, Rene, that everything is about me and how I fit into any situation. the sooner you learn that, the better for us all.
I agree on your twilight review! I like what you had to say-- completely accurate to me!! You halloween pics are just too cute!!! Come in the gym sometime--we miss ya!
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