Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday Madness!

4:45 am waiting outside Walmart for the sell frenzy to start. The parking was ridiculous and I had to park in a whole different shopping center!

Plethora of people waiting in lines to pay for their must haves!

$4 pj's, $5 Hanna Montana Doll, and a $29 Bike!

We decided to get our cardio in for the day! This is our new running group!

Shopped till I dropped! Crashed out on the JC Penny's bed. I went to Walmart, Sportsmans, Big 5, Fred Meyers, Deseret Book, Bath and Bodyworks, Vanity and JC Penny's. I brought home a lot of good stuff! It was totally worth the banged up heels, and lack of sleep to get a great deal!

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