Sunday, November 16, 2008

Trick or Treating on the Yellow Brick Road

This year Sierra decided we all needed to take a trip down the Yellow Brick Road. Her and Robbie planned out our whole families costumes. Sierra only wished we had more kids so they could have been the munchkins! Rob and Ang trying to be evil but coming more across like not enjoying ourselves! We actually had a really great time, we just don't do evil well I guess.
"I'll get you my pretty and your candy too!" I actually said this to a bunch of kids on Halloween night. I had some great reactions!
Bridger the Scarecrow, "If I only had a brain!"

Robbie the Tin Man, "If I only had a heart!"

Sierra as Dorthy with Toto

Grandma Warth

We had a lot of fun. The weather was actually good and we were able to enjoy being outside without hiding our costumes behind coats. We went to our ward's trunk or treat and then hit up Grandma and Papa Warth's ward for chili and more trunk or treating. Later that night, Rob and I decided we wanted to show the kids how we trick or treated as kids. No Rob didn't show them the art of smashing pumpkins, just trick or treating door to door the good old fashioned way!


Russell and Jillian said...

The witch costume is FANTASTIC! You look great. And everyone else looks so cute! Good job :)

Rilieanne said...

You guys looked awesome! Where on earth did you find the tin man costume? Your family always has the cutest ideas for costumes.

Carol said...

Time just flies by!!! Your family is sooooo cute! We do need to stay in touch better! Are you guys still in Pocatello?? We are in Shelley still! It has been great texting with you!