Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Welcome to the World Remington Ammon Warth

Remington Ammon Warth born Tuesday, June 23, 2009 at 11:59am.
Weighed 7lbs 13 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long
Leaving for the Hospital, "to get the baby out"
Bridger giving baby kisses
After a full night at the hospital allowing my cervix to soften we were ready to begin the the real labor the following morning. I finally dilated to a 3, had my water broken and got an epidural an hour later. When my labor really got started it only took 4 hours before our baby boy arrived! He came out face up, causing him to hit my pelvic bone each time I pushed. As a result, he experienced some bruising and had a cone shaped head when born. All of which was gone within a couple of hours.
Daddy and his youngest son
Mom and RemingtonRemington's first hospital visitors, his sister and two older brothers
Kisses for his baby

Bridger is so proud to be a big brother

Robbie loves his youngest brother
Sierra taking on another brother

Aunt Lydia

Amy Thompson and a yawning Remington boy

Grandma Warth
Papa Warth

Finally leaving the hospital and heading home

I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as FOREVER my baby you'll be! Welcome to our forever family Remington!

1 comment:

Rilieanne said...

How did I miss this wonderful occassion? I guess I haven't been very good about checking my fav blogs. Chloe also came out face up, I didn't have an epidural with her - so it was incredibly painful; although she was my first and I didn't know any different. Congrats - he's a cutie!