Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Trout Fishing at Henry's Lake

We headed up to Henry Lake for our 2nd Annual fishing trip. This time of year the trout are spawning and are usually striking like crazy! While wearing polarized glasses you can see hundreds of fish in the water. Timing is everything though.
Dad and Robbie

Sierra trying to get in a few more casts before the next rain storm comes through. We had to hang out in the van to wait out the short storms. Sierra caught the first fish.

Bridger is hooked! He too is a fisherman!

Daddy actually had to hook into one for him, but Bridger fought the fight.

Bridger's catch!

His fish ended up having to be released because it was hooked in the tail.
We let him pose with Sierra's fish
Robbie also has fishing in his blood!

Our timing was a bit off this year. We found out the fish were striking about a week prior. With a little help from Dad, Robbie was able to reel in this trout.
We are so proud of Sierra for bring home some trout dinner for us!

Robbie enjoying a treat of fresh watermelon before we drive 2 1/2 hours home.
Bridger didn't know whether he should dig in with a fork or not

MMMMM juicy watermelon! I bet you are craving fresh watermelon now, huh?!
We had a great day trip even if the fish weren't striking like we hoped. At least each kid was able to catch and reel in a fish.

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